A point and click adventure game/visual novel made by myself and oughtnots in a month for the 2022 Touhou Pridejam. The game centers around Renko Usami and Maribel Hearn going on a date to a supposedly haunted museum ship, and proceed to get themselves into life-threatening danger as usual because they just can't help themselves.

I primarily worked on visuals, with some work on things like the inventory system, but Finn mostly handled the hard stuff. I am pretty satisfied with how the UI and backgrounds came out. I like the look of filtered photographs as background art in visual novels and the like, and they're a lot less work than drawing everything from scratch even with all the editing I did on them. Fun fact: a couple textures I used for the UI (the wood background and the frame over the text box and window) are pictures of stuff from my house. Everything else is either free assets or from a photo pack we bought to get background pictures from. This was a fun project, I'd like to do more gamejams or visual novels in the future...

The game can be downloaded at the Itch.io page here.